Here is a synopsis of the case: Michelle developed normally during the first year of her life. Seven days after her MMR vaccine (measles, mumps and rubella) at 15 months, she abruptly developed a high fever that abated and then recurred. Shortly thereafter, she lost her ability to speak, became disinterested in her surroundings, developed intense sensitivity to sounds and was eventually diagnosed with severe autism. Additionally, she developed severe diarrhea two weeks after receiving the shot, diarrhea which persists to the present day. Prior to receiving the MMR, she received vaccines containing more than 100 ugm of mercury from thimerosal. The strongest fact supporting the connection between her autism and the MMR is a biopsy of her intestinal lining documenting vaccine-strain measles virus when she had no other measles exposure.
Every day mix a 1/4 cup of APV (Apple Cider Vinegar) into a bottle of water and sip regularly throughout the day.
Sinusitis is a condition that is caused due to the nasal sinuses becoming inflamed and this inflammation could be caused by a number reasons, viz: infection, allergies (eg hayfever) or other autoimmune issues.
Don't let this be you.